Gary V signs in. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Nick V fund. I am somewhat worried about Grand Poobah's effort. He gave me the classic, "I sent him a check." line, hooowwwww original is that one? I later told Gary to be on the lookout and to let me know if the check doesn't arrive. Kevin H quipped, "Yeah and if it bounces, Todd will write you another." Some old, new faces turned out, Claude, who claimed this was his first group ride of the year but that he has been training in the gym. Held up pretty well as it turns out. He's taking classes so is unable to make it to many rides. Another guy who used to be a regular, Rick, making his first appearance at the Tuesday Canal ride. Just about a perfect evening for a bike ride but the sun was intense so the shade seekers were numerous. Kevin on the left, Nick and Gary V. A good route that was a little confusing, made so by my last minute changes to avoid a road closure and a potentially busy section of Coonpath. New phenom Luke (in blue) who has a refreshing attitude and who craves feedback on his group riding skills and group etiquette. Jon Morgan has given him some pointers and is quick to point out that Luke has great potential. Of course, the same was once said about me and now look at me. Steve O chimed in, "Yeah, now he is a crippled blogger." or words to that effect. How true. A smiling Mark C, leader of the B group who rode the A route and again, cut it very close at the end but still, they made it. So, good turnout tonight of 46-48 with an unusually strong A and B group. Jon, Hendra, Muscle Dude, Paul Stock, Luke, Pete aka HJB (Human Jumping Bean), Nick, Steve O, Old Chubbs Dustin, Jeff S, Claude, Scott Boss, Kevin, Randy Brown and a few others headed out first on a 53 mile route. We paused a couple of minutes and then Mark led us out in a large group having Dirty Dan, Poobah, Katherine, Corvair, Matt A, Mark V, Kevin H aka Pepe Lapew, John Dey, Ryan R, Dane not Dean, etc... Good C group too so keep coming out. Steve H is there every week to lead the new and recreational cyclist on slightly shorter routes. The B group arrived, largely intact, at the A/B route split at mile 16 at Stringtown Road. Mark C took maybe 3-5 people with him but the hoard went with us. I thought it best to carry those that came with us for a few miles, rather than leave them fending for themselves so far from the finish. I lassoed Kevin H a couple of times to let some people back on, gave Poobah a tongue lashing for white lining while taking a .1 mile pull, regrouped a couple of times and then we got onto Lake Road. going north with most of us still together. Then, the front A group of Dustin, Jon, Hendra, Paul, Scott, Luke, Pete came by and all thoughts of being a caring ride leader went out the window and so Katherine, Kevin H, Claude (who we picked up earlier) and 1-2 others jumped on the A tail. The pace was not so hot so I rode to the front to see what was the impediment, oh, Dustin so I rode by while encouraging him to pick up the pace and promptly, rode past the Canal Road turn. How embarrassing as most of us over shot the turn but we regrouped and headed west. As we got closer to Baltimore, the pace slackened so I rode to the front to see what was the impediment, oh, Dustin again. I tried mocking him but made the mistake of verbally assaulting a guy who is more quick witted then I. I retreated to the rear again. We made a right on Cherry and about half way to the next turn, Pete was being a little erratic, jumping left and right of the wheel in front of him and nearly taking Katherine down a couple of times. She announced she was done and sat up with Kevin and I doing the same. We rode in together, joined at the outskirts of Canal by Craig, Steve O and a couple others and finished with 48 miles and a 20.3 avg. Meantime, the lead group finished with a 22.3 avg and 53 miles. Below, Craig's new bike and a near perfect complimentary kit to match. It was his second ride on the new machine. I heard a rumor that someone is bringing a scale to the Thursday ride to weigh the bike. Wouldn't want someone to be taking advantage of us by breaking the minimum weight bike rule. Here is tonight's route with links to the A, B and C route and cue sheets:
A – 52.5 miles, 1868’ climbing - - B – 47.9 miles, 1337’ climbing - - C – 38.9 miles, 1233’ climbing - A few newsworthy items, Gary and Nick V will be at the ride tonight and if you would like to make a contribution to Nick's grand adventure to WI for the national junior race, you can do so directly. Being an amateur racer traveling the globe is not cheap so help the kid out if you are inclined. The annual Summer Solstice ride to the top of Cul du Revenge is June 18th. I unfortunately will not be able to be there but Andrew C will be the ride leader for this fun trip to one of the area's most scenic mountains with fabulous views of the prison. I'm working to get the prison warden to turn out the inmates so they can be standing at the fences, cheering/jeering you on. Remember, no picture taking and no poking stuff through the fence for a relative. Official start time is 6:00pm but typically the C group departs at 5:30, Poobah leads the super seniors at 5:45, Flyin Tuna leads the "blue haired ladies" at 5:50, Canal Muscle Dude John leads the 200+ weight class at 5:55 but as I learn more I will post more. Lastly, the 25th will be the second annual 60 mile route, which Amanda is leading, I unfortunately will not be there either.
6/4/2013 01:32:57 am
this ride needs more climbing, looks pretty flat towards the 2nd half of the route
Not To Worry
6/4/2013 04:05:03 am
I believe the ride leaders have hillier routes coming for those who like to feel the pain....
6/4/2013 01:46:37 am
Is Mark C going to lead the SuperB's on the A route again tonight?
6/4/2013 01:53:15 am
So does the C group leave at 5:30 tonight?
Mark C
6/4/2013 02:47:39 am
I plan on riding with the B's and doing the A route again.
B and B
6/4/2013 03:48:25 am
I plan on riding with the B's and doing the B route!
Ryan R
6/4/2013 03:14:24 am
Oh boy, those 2 miles on Coonpath will be interesting... traffic is gonna hate! Other than those 2 miles, it looks like a great route.
Mark C
6/4/2013 03:25:21 am
We will probably go down to Rainbow and stay off Coonpath.
6/4/2013 03:49:57 am
I received calls from Steve O and Mark C, alerting me to problems with the route. Pleasantville Road is closed so we'll make a left at Bish and a right at Coakley and then a left at Pleasantville to get back on the route. Coonpath is too busy so we'll stay straight, crossing it down to Rainbow, make a left and reacquire the route. All groups leave at 6:00pm tonight, only the Summer Solstice ride has an earlier start time, if desired. A, B+ pace following the A route is cutting it close and no margin for error if there is a mechanical. Also, you CAN NOT drop someone out there and leave them to solo in after dark so be responsible and be aware of who is in the group who takes the A route, which I recommend not doing.
Andrew C
6/4/2013 04:02:11 am
Sorry about that. I thought Coonpath would be better further east. But I think that's a good change to continue down Stringtown and take Rainbow sooner.
6/4/2013 05:50:26 am
I will join you on the A route as well. Looks like a perfect evening to ride.
Nice write up
6/5/2013 02:32:28 am
Looks like you guys had a nice ride and everyone made it back safely. Great job on the executive route changes and making it safer for folks to have fun on. It's never easy to make last minute adhoc changes. Enjoy your trip away from home!
Quick Witted
6/5/2013 02:50:57 am
Oh, I did learn quite a bit when the B group grabbed the A train! So, much perhaps training is better served with the B's. Poobah: check is in the mail. Wilson: If only I could be as witty.
Gary Vorwerk
6/5/2013 08:18:21 am
BREAKING NEWS! Nick received the check from Todd Lee.
Social Security
6/5/2013 09:01:11 pm
Don't cash it until I deposit my SS check!!
Andrew C
6/6/2013 12:17:34 am
Gary, I sent a check mid-May to the address posted in the blog. Did it make it or did the US mail eat it up? I really wonder sometimes....8)
6/6/2013 01:56:27 am
DO NOT USE THAT ADDRESS!! It directly goes to Mark's place and bank account.
6/6/2013 02:38:46 am
GP, that is a damn lie. That account is in my wife's name. Get your facts correct before you come here and post nonsense!
Andrew C
6/6/2013 03:10:31 am
Lol, Mark W had posted Gary's address. I checked it out first before I sent a check. I too, wondered if Mark W was sending me to his personal bank account....
Gary V
6/6/2013 09:19:53 am
Yes we got it. Thank you!
Andrew C
6/6/2013 11:50:09 am
Ok, good to hear that the US Post Office came through again!
6/5/2013 09:57:52 am
From what Pete said to me, he pulled, dropped back to the back and ended up behind someone who was yo-yo-ing pretty badly... and when the hit their brakes it was all he could do to keep from going into the back of them, unfortunately that rippled further back. He was probably following too close, but up until then it had just been A riders who were holding a very tidy pace line...
6/5/2013 11:00:29 am
So, what you are saying, since the only B who was ahead of Pete was Todd Lee, that he was preventing "A tidy pace line" and an unwelcome interloper? Yep, that makes sense to me. Kidding aside, let's talk before next week's ride.
6/5/2013 11:29:43 am
Sounds good.
Squirrely Girls
6/5/2013 09:05:52 pm
Yep it was me! :) Leave a Reply. |
November 2023