Our story begins with an innocent college student, desiring a bike to provide transportation around the campus of OSU. The student checks Craig's List and lets it be known he is looking for a bike. Meantime, lowlifes are also looking at Craig's List but for other reasons. Lowlifes see a student needs a bike and so while driving through neighborhoods, probably with a long list of items to steal, they happen to pass the house of Kenda Janet and Paul. Hey, there is a nice looking bike in the Kenda's garage, how about that for luck? One of lowlifes sprints in to the garage while Kenda Janet is inside preparing to take their Doberman for a run. Lowlife jumps into the vehicle with the bike and is gone, a split second before Janet emerges from her home, discovering the Masi bike is gone!
Janet immediately becomes hyper active, posting alerts in various outlets, calling pawn shops, bike shops, etc... The lowlifes contact the innocent student and let him know what luck, they have just the bike for him. A meeting is arranged and payment made, a very modest sum. Note the student is not a cyclist so it takes a little while for him to figure out the shiny bike with electronic shift thingies, exotic wheels and fancy paint job may be too good to be true. Student contacts a cycling friend who contacts a friend associated with Columbus PD who informs him if student is in receipt of stolen property he could be charged with a felony. Student is on a career path where a felony charge would be deleterious to his future hiring prospects. However, above everything else, student wants to do the right thing. Calls are made, the Kendas are alerted and there is great relief in the House of Kenda. The End. However, this is not the end of the entire story and more come when I am granted permission from the House of Kenda.
whatya Think?
5/18/2014 11:29:54 am
should we try to collect some donations to help this college student out?
6/30/2014 12:17:08 pm
As a fellow OSU student who had my mountain bike stolen (and never recovered), it's nice knowing there are still a few good people out there. This guy went out of his way to do the right thing; was he ever reimbursed or thanked? Does anyone know if the thief was ever captured and charged? It's likely he's stolen many other items over the years and perhaps his arrest could lead to several other solved cases.
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