I made the long drive to Canal W. to cover the final Tuesday evening ride. Driving south I passed through a couple of rain showers and pretty much decided not to ride, until several people shamed me into getting on the bike. Above, Pete Ashmore with arms clasped closely to retain some body heat, with Matt A on the right and Brent in the foreground. It began misting, it was cloudy and felt like 40 degrees but was really in the 60's, strange. I dressed like it was in the 40's and regretted it later. What a steady diet of Mt Dew, chocolate and chips will do to you. Mark C still says calorie intake has nothing to do with weight gain so we'll see how he looks in the Spring. Brian on the left, Rick on the right, two guys that rode the A route while most took the measly B route. I was told tonight's turnout of around 25 was among the largest this season. It must have been the party at Kingys that brought them in. I wanted to join in the after ride party but a reporter should not get too close to his subjects. It could cause me to cast something less than a critical eye at their activities. Some of the C group gather to watch and listen as Andrew...... .....makes his final announcements, including that he will not lead next year's rides so someone needs to volunteer to step up. Grand Poobah in the middle, a new job as a consultant at Anchor-Hocking keeping him south for the rides, including the leader of this Saturday's Fall HOOT, a COP event.
So, the A's were asked to go....silence and no movement....then the super B's and everyone but the C group departed. A good group of B's including Dean, Rex, Matt & Pete A, Poobah, Mitch O, Brian, Rick, Corvair, Mark C, Andrew, Dirty Dan, the Rossi tandem, etc... about 18-20. There had been some talk about taking the 18 mile B route and when we arrived at the B turn on to Amanda Northern, most went north except for the men of the peloton who kept going on Marcy for the 21 mile A route. Suddenly it occurred to me, I was riding the A route so therefore it was the A group and looking around, I decided I could hang with these guys. What the....my last chance to start and finish with the A group for the season. Brent, Pete & Matt A, Brian, Rick and 1-2 others stormed on. I made sure to cover every gap, including Pete A's very sneaky break prior to the "S" curve on Waterloo, well by covering I mean I drafted behind Rick who covered the gap. We did pause a couple of times to allow some laggards back on because it would not be a good idea to leave someone way out there as darkness swiftly approached. Arriving at the parking lot, I hit the button on the Garmin and stopped it at....20.5....ok, not a Thursday New Albany quality ride but all you can do is ride with those that show. And now, the central Ohio cycling scene casts its eyes to CA, where Marty and friends are competing in the Levi Leipheimer Gran Fondo. Will it be yet another podium finish for this underrated Cat 3 cyclist? Also, again, the COP Fall HOOT, weather and OSU kick-off permitting.
1 Comment
Andrew C
10/1/2014 02:08:26 am
Mark W, thanks for attending the last one and hanging in there with the big boys. For those that love stats, we had 27 weeks of Tuesday rides. Two were cancelled due to weather. The lowest attendance was 18 and the highest was 35. 7 weeks were between 30-35, 10 weeks were between 25-29, 6 weeks were between 20-24, and 2 weeks were between 18-19. Lower weeks generally correlated with higher threats of rain. The great news is that we had no crashes this year! Folks did an outstanding job of riding safely. It is true that I will be taking a year off from ride leading and we do need someone to step up and take the reins. I will still be open to volunteering for COP in other capacities should there be opportunities. But the routes are all saved on www.ridewithgps.com and I have all the master maps, so, someone else could use them if they so desired. I hope everyone has a great off season and thanks for coming out to enjoy the Canal Winchester Tuesday Night rides!
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