Saturday's ride for me was uneventful and not worth a ride report but did see some interesting stuff on which to comment: Our group was pausing on its way to Mt. Vernon for a map check when a large group of 15-20 cyclists flew by and I noted Greg Hall was in the mix. I caught the group and Greg told me they were headed to Apple Valley and as I dropped back I saw a chase car following with food and drinks. Now that's a group ride I'd like. ![]() I have tried for many years to grow corn and each year been thwarted by raccoons who circumvent every defense to destroy the plants before I can harvest. This year, I brought the corn onto the back deck where I can monitor and provide a better array of defensive weapons, including a dog, motion detector and tripwire that springs sharpened bamboo shoots across a common entry point and lastly, an emergency teargas bomb that is released if a corn stalk is pulled from its container. The image shows something I have not seen from my corn plants before, an emerging something that I think is called a tassel. My plants have never progressed this far. I am cautiously optomistic and if ears are ever harvested, I will bring them to the Tuesday and Thursday COP rides and share, along with the cucumbers and peppers and even the tomatos. We can munch on them while climbing Revenge.
Donna B.
7/1/2009 09:58:15 pm
Ah, Mark, the ride last Saturday was a beauty, and you speedsters missed a really good one. 70 miles of glorious hills of Coshocton, Tuscarawas, and Holmes counties...and it was beautiful. With 6000 feet of climbing and lots of road ruts (Amish horse buggies), it made for quite treacherous downhills. Nonetheless the climbs got you to the tops of some great scenery. I believe your 21 mph averages would have been shot. We do wonder though, if they actually mow all that looked so darn perfect. Eve and I decided that the way of Amish life is so nice and simple, but the dresses have to go. With Richard Roe and Ross quite smug about the fact, that this was the longest ride they had ever done, and Ross stating "oh this must be a drop in the bucket for you", I cringed and said, oh yeah, whatever! I highly recommend this ride next year for anyone who missed it this year. Leaving out of Roscoe village is quite a drive for some Columbus folks, but well worth it!
7/2/2009 08:21:18 pm
May as well have left that sweet corn to the raccoons. Unless you plan to hand pollinate it?
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