The group hike to Romero Pass was cancelled due to rain. The rain passed by 10:00am and I got out for a hike and then decided to do the Romero Pass hike solo. It begins from Catalina State Park and crosses a broad wash that when full from monsoon rains, is quite the spectacle. The first half mile follows a sandy trail until the mountain emerges from the desert floor and then it is steeply up. The well worn trail is easy to follow as it continues to rise until abruptly dropping to.... ....Romero Pools at mile 2.75, a popular day hike destination. Some good swimming spots up and down stream but now the trail grows more faint as few people go beyond this point, higher, higher and.... ....higher. I can hear the stream far below as it cascades down the canyon. Meantime.... ...the trail is over grown and while not really difficult to follow, I hate not being able to see where my feet fall. I have not seen anyone for several miles and my pace is slow as I walk, aware that I would not be the first to step on a rattler and receive a bite for the intrusion. I hope higher up the elevation change will bring a change to the trail conditions. Since the trail visits a pass, it will be some where between peaks. To the south I can see Cathedral Rock way up there. At mile 5, the trail drops into the canyon beside the stream to a named camp site but name is forgettable so I forgot it. Onward I walk. Check out the burgundy color on this plant. I've seen there before but not often. The plant really stands out. At mile 5.5, the trail drops into this boulder field and the destination, about 1 mile ahead, comes into view. I turn around here, not interested in hopping along a dry stream bed filled with boulders. On the way back.... ...I am treated to fine views to the west and make it out unbitten and no mountain lion attacks.
Mark V
9/30/2016 10:15:36 am
Wow! That looks great. Will you lead me on this hike in February? or something like it? Oh, which hiking group do you follow?
9/30/2016 08:04:44 pm
Hi Mark. Of course, I will show you some great hikes and you'll love it. Search for "meetup hikers hiking hikers", "meetup Tucson Hiking" and "meetup Baja Hiking". It costs nothing to join so sign up and you'll begin receiving their group hike notices. TLC is another good hiking group but their hikes tend to be north of Phoenix so can be a 2 hour drive.
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November 2023