![]() My weight has been rocketing up the chart since the start of August, coinciding with less riding and more eating. Deciding it was too early to begin putting on the "Winter "10", I got the snacking under control for now. After a good trail run Monday evening and a ride to Somerset with Flyin Tuna on Tuesday morning, I arrived for the Tuesday evening Canal ride on fumes but obligated to be there to record the events. Damn, it was hot too for a late September ride. The shady area became populated early but by only 34 people at the start of the ride. ![]() Including in the mix was a large contingent of A's but no Da Boss. Instead, the young guns were out, 2 Jenis, Billy C and friend on left and the guy in white in the middle. Also there were Mark C, Steve O, Poobah, Dennis, Jeff S, Tri Andrew, Claude...total of 16 A's. ![]() Dean Wormer (Mitch) handed out the maps and instructions, here with Pepe Le Pew. ![]() Arriving late was Amanda. She'd be perfect as a ride leader for next year but alas, a ride leader can not arrive at 5:59 and still get the job done. We hit Waterloo, passing the church on the right and heading up the ramp prior to the "S" curve. The front appeared disorganized at first but suddenly, the group went to single file and we tore through the curve and up the long stretch toward Lithopolis. Someone was setting a remorseless pace at the front and in time, a sizable gap opened in front of Jeff S, with Dennis, Andrew, Mark C and me behind. Knowing Jeff to be among the wisest of the wise men of the peloton, I did not panic and assumed he had a plan. Mark C, not sharing my faith, leaped around us and reattached to the group. After a mile or two, we arrived at the stop sign in Lithopolis and there was the group. That Jeff just knew, some how, the group would be held up and so did not want to needlessly waste energy. Reformed, we all worked our way through the town and out Elder, pausing at #674. Cars were approaching from the right but all got across except Dennis. Someone yelled "Hold up" and I yelled the usual, "Neutral Zone" but tonight, the beast was hungry and it wasn't stopping for anything. The beast roared down Elder and up the longish ramp to turn right on Winchester. I glanced back and saw the forlorn figure of Dennis and so dropped off the back to give him someone with whom to ride (OK, it's possible the decision was made for me too with the scintillating pace). I skipped the turn onto Winchester, intending to get back on the route when it emerged onto Lancaster Road off Richardson. We turned left on Walnut Creek Pike and eventually, the group approached, a little smaller but damn, there was Poobah still hanging on. Must have attached his bike to someone with a bungee cord! Wow, the group was moving fast but I timed my jump and latched on, as did Dennis. We motored along but I noticed Dennis was drifting off again and so....I dropped off too (OK, it's possible I had no other option). Another short cut at St. Paul put us back on the route on Goodman but from there, never saw the group out on the road again. Fairly uneventful balance of the ride and arrived in the parking lot with only 25 of the possible 30 miles prescribed by the map. Mark C, Steve, O, 2 Jeni's, Billy C and friend and one other came in with a 23.1mph average. ![]() This image is being floated around the internet, purportedly to be me, sitting in a sheriff's cruiser. This loser does somewhat resemble me but this is not me and if it were me, it would not be of me in the back of a cruiser. Clever Photoshopping or something.
9/22/2010 11:18:24 pm
A reminder of what I'm not missing. Race weenies can't hold up at an intersection? Cancel the ride, COP should not be endorsing this. Go ride wednesday worlds with the rest of the central Ohio d-bags. For those who don't remember this used to be a COP ride as well. History repeats.
9/23/2010 02:53:25 am
As someone who's a regular on this ride I have to say they were all over the road. I almost got sandwiched between two people trying to sprint. So not sure if I will hook onto the A riders at the end of the ride again..
Kitchen Girl
9/23/2010 03:35:50 am
As my mama would always say: If you can't stand the heat then stay out of the KITCHEN!
9/23/2010 03:59:58 am
My cat's breath smells like catfood
turd herder
9/23/2010 06:25:26 am
As my pappy would say, If you need to drop people at an intersection, you ain't as fast as you think you are. Ride hard but play fair, kill em on the climbs or the flats. If you can't play it safe go somewhere else.
9/23/2010 06:36:00 am
Notice: "A" riders, or any level of rider for that matter, who can't follow the safety guidelines are encouraged to ride elsewhere on Tuesday nights. As current Ride Leader for Tuesday night at CW,and substitute for next year, I will not permit this ride to be bastardized or canceled because of a few immature, thoughtless riders. Those of us who have ridden it for several years love the area and people, and it is our intent to maintain the ride's original COP description - RECREATIONAL, following the organization's guidelines.
Meat between the Sandwich
9/23/2010 10:43:42 pm
Love being squeezed!
9/23/2010 10:53:21 pm
Wow, whole lotta over-reacting going on here. Not much mention of riders disobeying the law... they just didn't leave enough room for the entire group to cross the intersection and one rider got left behind... not really that big of a deal. If I was left behind, I would just be happy that I was dropped because of traffic (unpreventable), rather than being dropped because I suck (which is the usual case). And being squeezed in a sprint... well that's just the nature of a competitive group.
Mark C
9/24/2010 12:56:40 am
Amen Ryan. I'm with you bud. I do agree that everyone should ride safe, but usually in the A group I experience good riders who know how to handle their bike. Maybe we all ought to get together and sing the little chorus "Don't worry...be happy..."
9/24/2010 01:30:51 am
Competitiveness is cool. Racing is not. If your intent is to race, find another ride.
9/24/2010 02:08:47 am
Yeah, bout time someone called out Mark C. That guy is the worst intersection jumper in the group. He's going to get me killed some day.
Transferring to Thursday Ride.
9/24/2010 03:40:11 am
I'm transferring to the Thursday COP ride because they have crossing guards!
Mark C
9/24/2010 07:51:37 am
You can't believe everything you read on this blog.
"B" Rider
9/24/2010 09:59:47 am
OK, so the A group does not hold up at intersections; this does cause riders to take unnecessary risks to keep with the group, but the responsiblity lies with the individual rider. Yes, less risks would be taken if they did wait, but know this occurs when you go out with them and deal with it.
"C" Rider
9/24/2010 10:28:36 am
OK, so the B group does not hold up at intersections; this does cause riders to take unnecessary risks to keep with the group, but the responsibility lies with the individual rider. Yes, less risks would be taken if they did wait, but know this occurs when you go out with them and deal with it.
Astute Observer
9/24/2010 09:45:39 pm
I think everyone needs a nap.
Da Boss
9/28/2010 10:57:09 am
I don't know what started this issue and dialogue, but it seems to have broadened into a larger referendum on the whole A rider group and the way we ride. Some have even suggested we've ruined the A ride and turned it into a race. Since I ride hard in the A group, here is my view from the front on the broad charicterizations. Yes, my view. You are entitled and encouraged to disagree.
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