Enjoyable evening at Mellow Mushroom. I took several pics inside but had to omit from the report because of goofy facial expressions or washed out from the camera flash. I know what you are thinking, I excel at promoting images having goofy facial expressions but I want to leave town on a good note for once. New arrival from California, Jason on the left with Peggy and Meredith, Because I tied my low weight of the year this morning, I decided to splurge. As the pizza crusts piled on my plate, I was shot several incredulous looks by those around me. Hey, soon I will be very active and not confined by the cold, wind and rain as will too many of you. Actually, at the table were 3 others who are heading out of Ohio within the week, Marty, Andrew and Farmer Mike. Marty, wearing multiple layers of clothing, still chilled from kite boarding earlier in the day. It was like a Hollywood gala after the stars exit the auditorium. Farmer Mike, Peggy and Mike's wife Norma. Also in attendance were Don Novel, Aaron C, Sokha, Andrew, Flyin Tuna, Eleanor, Marty, Gus Cook, Jason and Meredith. Tuesday, October 24th, 6:30pm at the Mellow Mushroom in NewAlbany, a season ending get together for those who participated in the Tuesday or Thursday Cycling Club rides. OK, if you wanted to ride but never attended either ride, you can come too. Arrive and see what some of us look like without wearing our cycling gear (scary) or brag about how you are spending the winter in Tasmania or, just arrive, have a beer/soft drink/tea/wine, pizza and enjoy the camaraderie. This is not a Cycling Club sponsored event, just cycling people enjoying each other as we have done countless times pre and post rides. See you there! In the interest of full disclosure, some wanted to promote this as a "Mark Going to AZ" event but I am way too modest for that and besides, how could I turn down all the offers of a free drink and still drive? So, it is officially a cycling get together but I won't turn down the first 8-10 drink offers. I am polite.
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November 2023